Wednesday, 21 April 2010

A revamp update

My idea of revamping all the furniture I won on ebay, hit a hitch very early on. I discovered that the dressing table (and quite a few other pieces) must have literally been soaked in wood dye. This meant that despite sanding down, wiping with white spirit and then trying to paint with white acrylic paint it just ended up pink as the dye continued to come through. I even tried car paint primer and I still ended up with pink bits! I finally found an acrylic base paint that seems to have done the trick. The pink still came through in places but wasn't too noticeable after a couple of coats of paint. If anyone knows of the way I am actually supposed to repaint furniture, I would really appreciate some tips!

Anyway, due to the above, I've only revamped 1 piece so far. So here's the before picture -

And this is the after -

I think I need to work on where I put the worn bits as the legs don't look right (I might go back and touch them up) but all in all I don't think it's too bad. One down, quite a few to go!


  1. A mi me gusta como te ha quedado, desde luego tiene que tener mucho trabajo.
    Yo no he hecho nunca ninguno, si me entero de la formula te la digo.
    besitos ascension

  2. Yo También Creo Que ha quedado estupendo. Tampoco se decapado Una madera tan oscura. Pero Con Otras Claras Más que tenido Mejores RESULTADOS Con decapante Que aguarras usando. Como despues de El aguarras es Más Líquido Creo Que Mas en la penetración y madera es Más Difícil Que desaparezca ESE color de Fondo. Also sí me ocurre Que Se puedee dar "antes" de pintar Una pátina blanca. Ya contarás. Saludos

  3. IT worked, especially with the pink showing through. I try using a primer after I have sanded down the piece. Sometimes I spray paint first then distress after that.

  4. There is a product called KILZ that is a really good primer for keeping stuff from bleeding through.

    I think it ended up looking pretty good. :)

  5. It's charming, SUCH an improvement! You must be pleased :)

  6. It looks fine to me. Just a thought and it's only come to me this minute - would enamel primer be any use?

  7. Thank you for all the lovely comments and suggestions for a suitable primer, I will certainly give those a go as it was driving me crazy!

    I am pleased with the result although I think I need to perfect my technique, especially looking at the fab furniture others have done.
    Emma x

  8. A charming piece. I love seeing before and after pictures and tips on how to do the process.

  9. I love it! Love Shabby Chic! I cant seem to get the finish I would like on my old furniture you have done a great job!
